
Through the Olivet University Business as Mission (BasM) Center, students have the opportunity to make an impact economically, spiritually, and socially to both local and global communities. Rooted in the model of Christ-like servant leadership, the BasM Center’s mission is to open opportunities for training missionaries as pioneering evangelists on the front line of missions.  Through this academic community, it partners with global ministries in promoting entrepreneurship programs and engagement for Olivet University’s Business School and Master of Divinity students with a concentration in Marketplace Ministry.

Message From Director

We are witnessing an amazing advancement in the marketplace. God is opening and blessing new opportunities for sustainable businesses that are making an impact for the Kingdom.  

At Olivet University, we are excited to be a part of this movement along with the development of the Business as Mission Center. With a clear goal to support the mission field, the Business as Mission Center serves as an innovative hub that seeks to make a difference to the greater glory of God.  We combine the elements of faith, academics, and practical training to lay a foundation for our students to succeed in the marketplace. 

Join us in praying for the advancement of Business as Missions through collaborative partnerships and new educational opportunities.  

Surojit Chatterjee, Esq.

Director of Olivet University BasM Center